Bala Krishna ‘Rayalaseema Drohi’, shouts Hindupur


Actor turned politician Nandamuri Bala Krishna is one of the only two MLAs from TDP in the Rayalaseema region. Even he has very good support from the people of his own constituency, the three capital strategy of Jagan worked very well in the favour of YSRCP among the Hindupur people. 

Nandamuri Balakrishna with Hindupur people

For his regular visit to Hindupr, Balakrishna entered his constituency and few people surrounded his convoy raising slogans and even called Balakrishna as ‘Rayalaseema drohi’. Along with the common people, YSRCP leaders also blocked Bala Krishna’s convoy in the Highway. 

Every time, when people surrounded his convoy, Balayya steps out of his car and answers them. But, this time he did not come out and the police intervened in the situation and cleared the way for the MLA. 

This is the first visit of Balakrishna to the Hindupr after the three capital announcement. Till now Balakrishna did not make any statement on the three capitals and he is confined to the party’s decision.

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