The deadly corona virus is expanding its range with time and the scientists and medical professionals are clueless with its outbreak. So far many countries in the world have raised alarms to stay out of the threat and in India, there have been a dozen casualties reported and no human loss has been occurred, yet.

Now, the scientists are on the verge of cracking its origin and the potential source and it is none other than a BAT. Yes, you read it right. The original source of the NIPAH virus that terrified Kerala may be the ultimate culprit of the Corona outbreak.
They found that all 10 of the genome sequences were extremely similar to the SAR viruses that commonly exist in Bats and they shared more than 99.98% of the same genetic sequence. The wuhan market is known for selling the wide varieties of meat and bats are one among them.
But, there is an intermediate host present between the bats and the human which the science assumes SNAKES. The Chinese people are very much fond of snake meat and they used to drink their blood for centuries.
You may not consume these weird meat substances but better stay away from these two living creatures.