In promoting Inclusive and Sustainable Economic Growth and decent work for all on Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) India Index 2019, Telangana has been declared as the best performer according to United Nations Development Programme India and Niti Aayog statistics. Replying to UNDP India statistics tweet, Telangana Minister KTR had tweeted that he was delighted by this. Among the very 17 SD goals, Telangana had shown a drastic improvement in many, just in a single year.

Telangana improved from 75 percent in 2018 to 82 percent in 2019 in Decent Work and Economic Growth. SDG of Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure have a terrific improvement from just 16 percent to 61 percent and this happens to be the biggest among them. Clean Water and Sanitation have moved from 55 percent in 2018 to 84 percent in 2019. Affordable and Clean Energy has moved from 63 percent in 2018 to 93 percent in 2019.
These goals have taken a huge leap in improvement. Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions, the percentage has moved from 66 to 77 in a single year. But the goal for No poverty had no change and was the same with 52 percent on both the years. At the same time, Quality Education with 66 percent in 2018 to 64 percent in 2019 was among the downtrends Telangana faced.
Good Health and Well-being had reduced from 73 percent to 66 percent. Zero Hunger fell from 53 percent to 36 percent. Reduced Inequalities reduced from 100 percent to 96 percent. Gender Equality goal has too much reduced with fall from 43 percent to 26 percent.