Pune Police are very interested in the mobile number of this man… Know why?



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There are times that some official twitter handles give taunting replies to some people who lack decency and sense. Here is one of these situations where entire twitter broke in laughs with a savage reply from the Pune Police. 

Those who think that all social media platforms in India are actually used for stalking will be validated once they hear this woman’s story. Pune Police’s official Twitter handle on Sunday tweeted, “Sir, we’re more interested in your number currently, to understand your interest in the lady’s number,” after a man asked them for a woman’s number. The woman had initially approached Pune Police on Twitter seeking Dhanori police station’s number. 

Twitter users lauded the police’s response with tweets like “Bohot hard” and “Savage”. Some Twitter users complained that if a man, instead of a woman, has asked for the number, he would have never got a swift reply. Whatever, be extremely optimistic and Pune police’s Twitter handle is becoming famous for such witty replies.

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